

Beard and mustache

In some cultures, the density of the beard and mustache is a sign of the attractiveness and masculinity of men;  But there are many who suffer from weak beard hair growth due to scars resulting from a specific accident or due to genetic reasons in some men.  A recent study indicates that up to 45% of men around the world are not satisfied with baldness or hair loss in the beard area.  For this reason, there is a growing demand for beard and mustache transplantation nowadays.

Beard and mustache transplantation depends on extracting hair follicles from the back area of ​​the scalp called the donor area.  The surgeon determines the donor area during the operation to pick out the hair and implant it accurately according to a certain angle and direction in the beard and mustache areas

Beard and mustache transplantation is performed under local anesthetic only to ensure that you do not feel any pain

 The results are noticeable immediately upon completion of the procedure.  While full results can usually be seen within 6 to 12 months.  Beard and mustache transplantation plays an important role in completely changing the appearance of your face, giving you a more defined and dense beard

Candidates for Beard and Mustache Transplant

Candidates for Beard and Mustache Transplant are men over the age of 18 who have a light beard and have a dense donor area at the back of the scalp

‏The latest method of beard and mustache transplantation

Direct Hair Transplant (DHI): Hair follicles are transplanted one by one directly into the “receiving area” whether it is a mustache or beard, without the need to open channels as in the FUE technique.  Each hair follicle is positioned at a specific direction, angle and depth, providing maximum volume